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Training Conditions

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Some of our students like to know the training conditions they need to prepare for if they sign up for one of our courses. 


Operations 1 begins with basic boat operations maneuvers, river reading, understanding river features and basic hydrology on the Hiwassee River. The rest of our swiftwater rescue training will occur on the Ocoee River. Both rivers consist of everything from Class I to IV rapids. 


What to Expect


Our training takes place below the commercial take-out of the Middle Ocoee. Outdoor Chattanooga has a great description of the Ocoee river, but all our students need to know is that they will be training in primarily Class III and Class IV waters.


Here’s how Breckenridge Whitewater defines each of these rapids: 


  • Class III: Rapids with high, irregular waves. Narrow passages that often require precise maneuvering.

  • Class IV: Long, difficult rapids with constricted passages that often require complex maneuvering in turbulent water.


Instead of worrying about the speed of the water or difficulty of the rapids, we encourage our students to focus on acquiring the equipment they need and studying the knot techniques we’ll be going over in class. If you understand the techniques we use in swift water rescues, you’ll be more confident in the water. Here are a few great resources for learning knot-tying: 


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